Welcome note
The world of education is on the edge of transformation. The pandemic has expedited this process at a supersonic speed. The post COVID era for the world, especially in the field of education will be challenging yet at the same time exciting.
Goodsam envisions the transformation of generations through value education based on a Christian ethos and Biblical principles. We believe a concrete and consistent foundation for the transformation of human beings stems from our omniscient Sovereign Lord Almighty. “ The Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom.”(Psalms 111:10). The transformation starts in our minds, and consequently influences our outlook on life and the world around us. We believe that the education ignited from Godly values and passion will do wonders. We the Goodsam School, inspired by the Good Samaritan story, learn, teach and train to think independently, critically and creatively, and that's what makes Goodsam distinct and unique. We commit ourselves first and foremost to a Godly transformation of our character and behavior with the verse, ”Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think”(Romans 12:2), as our byword.
Goodsam has continued to adopt effective and efficient pedagogy with insights from the principles of Bloom's taxonomy, the four C’s- Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity, that stand us apart. Our faculty is carefully selected, and our curriculum is skillfully crafted, to mold our students and educate our customers, including our parents, to face the pressures of the future. The transfer of our learning platform from the 'conventional' to 'digital' format, named Goodsam On-Line Digital (GOLD) classrooms, delivers meticulous service for all classes. It endorses the claim of competency and professionalism of our leadership, faculty, and staff.
Our ‘STARS’, our present student body, and alumni make us humble and proud as they represent the ethos, the values, and the spirit of Good Samaritan in India and abroad.
This website gives you a glimpse of Goodsam School, we invite you to make an appointment to visit our campus, and to experience the full spectrum of the Goodsam Spirit. Looking forward to seeing you soon.